Sunday Worship


every sunday 10:30am      

Some questions you might have:-

What normally happens during our services?
We sing, pray, read the bible and listen to a sermon. We have also been known to play a game & watch a video clip, which are all part of our worship of God.

What to wear? 
We say 'come as you are', because that is what we do! As long as you are comfortable, that is fine by us.

What time to arrive?
If you arrive 10 minutes before the start time you won't be the first in & you won't be the last! It really depends on how much time you want to spend chatting to others beforehand. There are normally folk around at least 30 minutes before we 'officially' start.

How long are the services?
The morning service normally finishes by 11.45am. We always have tea & coffee after the service, which is a great time to chat.

When is Communion?
Our services normally include Communion on the 1st Sunday of the month (although this does sometime change).

If you have any questions about what happens on a Sunday, feel free to give us a r